Zúčastněte se stáže v herním průmyslu

Nabídka stáže pro studenty a absolventy v herním průmyslu. Stáž se koná v Praze v létě tohoto roku.

The educational program Wargaming Forge has launched a summer paid internship program in Prague for passionate individuals who are eager to learn by working alongside some of the most talented people in the gaming industry.  

Interns will be given the chance to convert the internship into a full-time job upon successful completion. Turn your passion for gaming into practical experience and join us this summer! 

🗓Applications are open from May 16 through June 13, and successful candidates will start their internship in July.

If you want to learn more, follow the links, and apply:


  • Quality Assurance Internship https://bit.ly/3LBcvhc
  • Software Engineering Internship https://bit.ly/3KBxkHQ
  • Live Operations Internship https://bit.ly/3LExAXZ
  • UX Design https://bit.ly/3kwMzXW
  • 2D Art Internship https://bit.ly/38BQVui
  • Technical Art Internship https://bit.ly/374Ad6l
  • Social Media Internship https://bit.ly/3KzaFvG

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